This photography was one of those few when the model understands you perfectly. Not right away, of course. Photographers know how important this is. At first, girls are always embarrassed to pose, not to mention a nude photo shoot, there is always awkwardness, tightness, a test of trust at the beginning. You need to get […]

Photographing a naked girl

Photographing a naked girl

This photography was one of those few when the model understands you perfectly. Not right away, of course. Photographers know how important this is. At first, girls are always embarrassed to pose, not to mention a nude photo shoot, there is always awkwardness, tightness, a test of trust at the beginning. You need to get used to a person, get to know him, try to understand him. The girl confessed to me that at first she had my command “Freeze!” evoked feelings similar to when a dog is told to "Lie down!". She couldn't get used to the fact that she really couldn't move until the shot was taken.