I love color, but some photos look better in black and white. Such pictures convey a special mood, push light and color aside and make you notice lines, geometry, and texture in the first place. I want to show a series of black-and-white photographs of mountain landscapes.
For me, black-and-white photography is like therapy. Rest from color. And lately, I’ve been more and more drawn to shoot exactly black-and-white landscapes, take a camera and try to convey the texture of mountain rocks and stone.

Try to look at a black-and-white photo as some kind of abstraction. Black-and-white pictures, in my opinion, are minimalistic by themselves – because we lose information about the color of objects and we have shades of gray at our disposal. Such minimalism is a kind of filter that helps to involve other layers of perception.
A black-and-white picture of mountains is not always a story about the severity and brutality of the picture. The prickliness, roughness of rocks and slopes looks as tangible as the feeling of soft snow falling on fluffy tree branches.

The lightest and darkest areas of the black-and-white picture attract the most attention of the viewer. First of all, the eye catches the lightest and brightest zones.

Someone uses black-and-white pictures to create graphics, atmosphere, accent and special mood. The main goal of my black-and-white pictures is immersion in minimalism.

Storm wind on the Chernogorsky ridge. In the Carpathians, strong winds of the southwestern direction dominate, which can reach 30 meters per second.
It is interesting that the discolored reality in the picture should in theory be less expressive and lively than natural and colored, but human perception works differently. Someone can see much more color in a photograph devoid of colors and catch an understatement.

The black-and-white picture reveals the plot better, emphasizes the mood and immerses you in yourself. It is not enough to discolor the frame to hold attention, the picture must have a plot and an interesting composition, as in black and white everything becomes more expressive.

In April, winter weather still persists in the Carpathians, almost all mountain slopes above 1300 meters are covered with snow, heavy snowfalls occur.