In order to show you the beauty of the winter Carpathians, I had to put on 5 pairs of trousers and 6 jackets, trample ten kilometers of freshly fallen snow and eat several packs of mivina. And I brought photos of the snowy Carpathian Mountains on 2 memory cards of 16 gigabytes each, and I don’t even know how to start and which ones to show you first – I will make a separate photo essay. The winter trip was held under the slogan “break into the mountains and reboot!”.

The most photogenic moment is in the early morning, when the rising sun paints the sky and mountains with a pleasant warm color.

Tired, we were very glad to get to the mountain hut. Evening came and we just had time for sunset – there is a special sunset in the mountains, you can look at it for an infinitely long time.

Mountain peaks expose their snow caps to the biting wind. The wind speed that day was 25 meters per second and this forced us to turn back before reaching the summit.

Looking at the horseshoe-shaped peaks of the Carpathians, it is difficult to objectively assess the distance to them.

For a tourist, sleeping the night in mountain hut is a real luxury.

In the winter mountains, the surrounding world opens up in a completely different way, much wider and richer, here joy and peace reach their highest point. And these feelings from the native Carpathians will remain deep in the heart as the most pleasant memories.